Preserve Your Wealth and Well-Being During & After Divorce.
Divorce financial planning services for women
Did you know it is estimated that a woman’s household income drops by 41% after divorce? As financial advisors in divorce, we bring clarity for women before and after divorce.
We care about you and your situation. We know this is hard, but we’re here to help. When you work with The Financial Knot®, you can feel confident that you will be seen and heard during the process and that we’ll always have your best interest at heart.
Divorce turns your world upside down.
You’ve dedicated the last few decades to caring for your family and home. Now the kids are gone, and you and your husband are getting a divorce. Or, maybe the narcissism got to be too much and it’s time to draw some boundaries.
Maybe you initiated the divorce or were utterly shocked. Either way, you’re emotionally drained and being asked to make significant financial decisions that will impact the rest of your life. But maybe your husband always handled the finances and you feel lost and/or you want assistance making sure you do not miss anything.
You don’t have to go through this alone.
As your Divorce financial planner and the leading divorce financial planning firm in South Carolina, we can help you:
Make sound financial decisions.
Maintain your lifestyle during and post-divorce.
Regain peace of mind.
If this is you, you’re not alone.
You’re in the right place.
You may not have any idea where you stand financially. You’re worried your lifestyle will be dramatically downgraded or you’ll have to get a job at this stage in life. You’re tired of fighting with your spouse and want this process over.
According to a study published by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, women’s household income fell by an average of 41% following a divorce.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
The Financial Knot® is here to help you, even when you find yourself in the most dire divorce situation. Don’t waste your resources by not hiring the right professionals early in the divorce process! We are a compassionate and caring financial planning service in Columbia, South Carolina specializing specifically in divorce.
Add to this statistic that 56% of women report deferring to their spouse on financial planning and investment decisions, so it’s unsurprising that many women find themselves financially worse off following a divorce.
Having gone through a divorce, I know how complicated and stressful finances can feel, especially if your husband was the one who always handled them. Now that you’re getting divorced, you have to think about things you didn’t do before. If you feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and no strength left to carry it…
Let us lighten the load for you.
Our team of Certified Financial Planners® can help you gain control of your financial situation, make decisions with confidence, and feel secure in your future.
Hi! I’m Stephanie Vokral.
Stephanie Vokral is a member of the following professional organizations:
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