Our Services Specifically for Women Like You.

Divorce Financial Planning

You need someone on your side that you can count on to advocate for you.

Complex situations need professional financial advice

Imagine a world where the divorce process is not financially confusing! We can turn fear and doubt into peace and confidence by providing support to you and your team with thorough analysis, realistic solutions, and a shoulder to lean on.

Our services include:

  • Valuing marital assets, including retirement

  • analyzing income for alimony and child support options

  • completing SC Financial Declaration

  • Determining what is marital & separate property

  • Locating missing accounts & other assets

  • Analyzing stock options, RSUs & other forms of compensation

  • Supporting - Meetings and communications with your attorney can be emotional and confusing, but we can be there to take notes and be a second set of ears to ensure you don’t miss a thing.

  • Organizing - We create lists of needed documents, catalog and request historical records, and track down any missing documents.

Financial Planning tailored to your unique situation.

During a divorce, it isn’t your CPA or attorney’s responsibility to help you understand the impact of your agreement with your spouse on your financial future. As our client, we empower you with the knowledge and resources to make sound decisions with less stress by offering what NO ONE ELSE IN DIVORCE DOES — a PLAN for post-divorce.

How can you move forward with a new beginning without a plan? You wouldn’t take a trip without your app or map, right?Don’t start your new life without a PLAN!

Many of our clients tell us that having their financial plan in mediation was especially helpful because as offers came in from their spouse, the plan illustrated how it impacted them and made deciding EASY:

If the offer had a positive impact, they could accept, mediation was over, and they did NOT have to fight any longer.

We are dedicated to delivering kinder, more savvy divorce solutions for women in Columbia, South Carolina and across the Southeast as the areas’ leading divorce financial planner.

Divorce Advocacy Services

Find Your Footing After Divorce

Post-Divorce Transition Assistance

Once your divorce is final, there is still work to be done. Your accounts must be consolidated into your name, qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) completed, bank accounts closed, wills redone, etc. We have a proven process to reduce the overwhelm and ensure you don’t miss anything important after the divorce, so you can begin the next phase of your life with confidence and control.

We will work with you as long as necessary to ensure ALL of the terms of your settlement agreement are completed and you get the assets you’re entitled to without being in contempt of court by possibly missing items in the marital settlement agreement.

Cooperative Divorce

Cooperative Law involves the two parties and their attorneys who agree to refrain from filing litigation or going to court, voluntarily exchange necessary financial and other information, and agree to negotiate in good faith.  The goal of Cooperative Divorce is to reduce time, minimize expense and to promote good will and positive relationships for the family.  However, should the disputes not be resolved through negotiation, the couple may proceed to traditional litigation and keep the attorneys they have used in the Cooperative process. The Financial Knot® assists clients in Cooperative Divorce as the financial neutral. 

Stephanie Vokral is a member of the Charleston Cooperative Family Law Association (CCFLA).

A large part of divorce is financial! Why not have a seasoned divorce financial planner like Stephanie on your team? 

We Can Help You Keep the Peace

Collaborative Divorce is a process of coming together with your spouse and a group of Collaborative Divorce trained professionals to put your family’s interests first.

Instead of running first to litigation, you decide to collaborate with your spouse and the trained professionals you pick to bring solutions to your marital agreement; this includes your coparenting plan. In Collaborative Divorce, your coparenting plan is designed to foster family cohesion instead of creating discord among family members that can often accompany traditional, litigated divorce. Each spouse has their own attorney, but there are other neutral parties involved to bring the team together such as a financial neutral, a divorce coach, and any other professionals the team may deem necessary. Information is freely shared between everyone on the team including your spouse.

Many times, this can save time and money because information is shared freely instead of months of back-and-forth requesting of information from the opposing party.

The result is an agreement that all parties have participated in establishing for everyone’s best interest. You may still not feel like everything was fair (no one does in divorce), but at least you were able to work together instead of being at odds or fighting it out with each party feeling as if they need to withhold information and protect themselves. Should the disputes not be resolved through the Collaborative process, the couple may proceed to traditional litigation, but may NOT keep the attorneys they have used in the Collaborative process, hopefully making the incentive to stay in the process and not start over. The Financial Knot® assists clients in Collaborative Divorce as the financial neutral.

Stephanie Vokral is a member of the South Carolina Academy of Collaborative Professionals (SCACP) and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP).

Collaborative Divorce

For those couples choosing Collaborative or Cooperative Divorce, we can assist clients by serving as the financial neutral.