Give Thanks for Divorce
As Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, you may be thinking about what you want to give thanks for this year. Although divorce has many negative emotions associated with it, consider taking the time to reflect on why you are grateful for your divorce. It may seem like an awkward topic to approach while passing the turkey around the table, but even some personal reflection may help you recognize all of the positives as a result of your divorce.
The opportunity to focus on your self worth:
It may be hard to feel confident and have a healthy self-esteem when you are surrounded by negative energy and stuck in a toxic marriage. Take some time to think about what you are capable of doing moving forward. Maybe you want to focus on being a better parent to your child and taking them out of an environment with constant arguing. Or you want to pursue a new career that you were not allotted the confidence to work at before. The opportunities are endless when you are not living in a negative environment.
Rebuilding self-respect:
Did your marriage bring out a side of you that you are not proud of? Be grateful for divorce allowing you to reflect on your own actions and become the person that you respect! Some relationships truly bring out the worst in individuals, but you do not have to be that person moving forward. Be the best you that you can be!
Expanding your education:
Your marriage may have interfered with some of your professional goals, but it is never too late to go back to school and finally pursue those dreams! It may seem like an expensive way to express your thanks for your divorce, but there are actually a lot of licensure and designation programs that are much more affordable than a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
Pursuing your personal goals:
Remember that hobby you wanted to try, or that weight that your ex said you couldn’t lose? Allow yourself to take the time to do things for yourself! Be grateful that you are in an environment that does not make you feel guilty for pursuing something just for you. There is and was nothing wrong with taking personal time.
There is a lot to be grateful for in regards to divorce, even if it is not as clear at first thought. This holiday season, give thanks to all of the positives that have resulted from your divorce!
From the team at The Financial Knot®, we wish you a peaceful and grateful Thanksgiving!
The Financial Knot® is another business name for Independent Advisor Alliance, LLC. All financial planning advice is offered through Independent Advisor Alliance, LLC, a registered investment advisor.